MinGeo Automatic D/I Theodolite Digital Station (ADS) instrument

ADS stands for Mingeo's Automatic Digital Station instrument. It is an automatic declination/inclination (D/I) theodolite system, aimed to replace the manual observatory D/I measurements. ADS can be integrated with the standard geomagnetic observatory instruments (variometer and scalar magnetometer), to realize a complete observatory system. As ADS can work automatically and it can be checked remotely, so the number of visits in the observatory can be considerably reduced.

ADS' main part is a Zeiss theodolite converted to steel free and equipped with non-magnetic piezo motors, digital angle readers and digital camera, to allow autonomous operation. The controlling electronics is in a separated box. This basic ADS system allows self-operation and remote check through the Internet.

Main technical parameters:

  • Absolute measurement time: 15-25 min
  • Measurement frequency: from 4/hour to 1/week
  • Optical based reference mark (aperiodic pattern) reading
  • Using of multiple reference marks is possible (daytime/nighttime references)
  • Expected minimum number of measurements between factory revisions: > 3000
  • Require continuous DC power supply (with backup system).
  • Power consumption: Idle 4 W, Measurement 5-10 W
  • Operating temperature: 0 ºC to +40 ºC
  • Accomplished the adopted confidence limit in the INTERMAGNET standard

  • MinGeo Automatic Digital Station (ADS)